Doug Opel

Jul 10, 2005

MATA Festival 2005

I've been selected to participate in the MATA 2005 Commissioning Program! Fyi, MATA is: Music at the Anthology. This year's festival is called the MATA Monster Composer Rally (love the name!), and it runs from September 24th to October 2nd. A newly-formed ensemble - the MATA Micro-Orchestra - will work with commissioned composers to develop works for any combination of its 9 musicians. All performers come from primarily soloist backgrounds and are all well-versed in improvisation. The atmosphere promises to be a rare blend of the collaborative and experimental and I'm really looking forward to it. The event will be held in New York at St. Peter Church and is open to the public. Details for actual performances dates, venue and time can be found on my Performances page. Should be exciting! Still curious? Check into it at MATA's website: Music at the Anthology.