Doug Opel

Nov 29, 2005

Petting Zoo

So what the hell is a Petting Zoo? Where are the animals? Or is this some kinky musician thing you really don't want to know about? The Zoo was the brainchild of Lisa Bielawa, Artistic Director and Producer for MATA. For my new visitors, MATA is a non-profit organization in New York City dedicated to the promotion of new music and they hold a festival every year - this year was dubbed the Monster Composers Rally and I was one of eight composers commissioned to write a piece for the occasion. The Festival took place over the span of 8 days and each day, each composer worked on their piece in the store front window of Chashama. Chashama is an arts organization that frequently teams up with the folks at MATA and other organization as a sort of gallery. I say sort of, because they really do so much more than simple displays of contemporary visual art. They do performance art, living displays, music, etc. The idea behind MATA's Petting Zoo was to allow passersby the opportunity to see and hear living composers at work, to experience new music in all its glorious diversity as it is being created. Though it was strange being on display, I have to admit it was a brilliant concept. Many people took time out of their day to stop, listen and converse. New music seldom makes that sort of connection with the general public in my opinion, this was a rare and potent exception. Be sure to browse my website for other photos from the Zoo and check out more on both MATA and Chashama on my Links page. I hope to add a photo gallery sometime in the near future that will give you a visual impression of what I've done elsewhere and who I encounter on my musical journeys. Thanks for visiting and as always - SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! All best,