Doug Opel

Jun 29, 2007

Performances 2007

As I sit here contemplating my navel, attempting in vain to get past yet another bout of insomnia, I thought I'd mention some performances I have later this year. . . . .hopefully there will be more on the horizon soon. If you've visited my performances page already, you'll notice that 3 Preludes to Missing the Point, commissioned by pianists, Nicola Melville will receive its premiere the last week of September. I've explained this project several times over so I won't go into it again. Also, a performance of Ferlinghetti will occur a couple weeks later in October. This will be only the second time Ferlinghetti has ever been performed and I'm excited. It's been difficult giving this piece wings because it is so unconventional, but it is one of my favorites and I have a very enthusiastic conductor leading the way. If either performance is in your area, or if you just feel like a serious road trip, I'd love to see you there!